CO2 Footprint &

CO2 Footprint &

Carbon-Neutral Company

Climate change is the greatest challenge facing humanity since the end of the Ice Age and is the defining task of our time. The consequences of global warming are becoming increasingly tangible and the pressure on politicians and companies is growing – not least due to the Fridays for Future movement. There is now a worldwide consensus that we urgently need to counteract man-made climate change.

The success of emission reductions depends to a large extent on the voluntary and consistent action of industry in the industrialized countries. Mühlen Sohn GmbH & Co. KG has therefore decided to take responsibility for the world we leave to our children and grandchildren.

CO2 Footprint

With the help of the consultants of Fokus Zukunft GmbH we have recorded all greenhouse gas emissions emitted by our company, and offset them by purchasing a total of 10.096 climate protection certificates for the year 2021. With these certificates, we support a Verified Carbon Standard Forest Protection Project in Brazil.

Social Responsibility

We are aware of our special responsibility as a company towards future generations and have acted accordingly. The impact of our company on the climate has been determined for us by Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG: Our CO2 footprint is approx. 10.096 tons of CO2 equivalents per year.

On average, a person in Germany causes about 11.4 tons of CO2 per year through his or her lifestyle.

You change the world by your
example, not by your opinion.

Paulo Coehlo

What is a carbon footprint?

The carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases (measured in CO2 equivalents) produced directly and indirectly, through an activity of an individual, a company, an organization or a product. It includes the resulting emissions from raw materials, production, transport, trade, use, recycling and disposal.

The basic idea behind the carbon footprint is therefore to create a basis on which influences on the climate can be measured, evaluated and compared. In this way, necessary reduction potentials can be identified, measures developed and their effectiveness evaluated.

How was the amount of CO2 emissions of our company calculated?

CO2 footprint of approx. 10,096 tons per year

We commissioned the external sustainability consulting firm Fokus Zukunft to calculate our company’s footprint. The emissions balance was calculated using the official Greenhouse Gas Protocol guidelines.

Environmental Awareness

Yarn Recycling

We are aware of the role we play in the environment. That’s why we not only optimize our own manufacturing process but also ensure that our products are as recyclable as possible. For example, our waste yarn is sent for recycling by a process that allows it to be used for manufacturing new yarn. We also regularly test the energy efficiency of all our work processes.

Clean Planet Program

By Konica Minolta

Muhlen Sohn is also committed to conserving resources and successfully participates in Konica Minolta’s Clean Planet Programme. Here, the toner and drums used by our printers are recycled to a high standard.

Photovoltaic System

Sustainability on the roof

Photovoltaic systems are a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to convert sunlight into electricity. This can save several hundred tons of CO2 per year. Muhlen Sohn is thus making an important contribution to the energy transition and climate protection.

of the CO2 footprint

Photovoltaic project with SWU

With the 246 kp photovoltaic system on the production roof, Muhlen Sohn can cover 15 % of its electricity requirements through regenerative self-generation. Around 90 % of the solar power generated can be consumed directly on site. This also improves the CO2 footprint.